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Sharing The Love Giveaway!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Today is all about sharing the love, and because I LOVE all of you, I thought I'd share a little more of something else I love with you.

Can you guess what it is?

Books, of course. DUH!

I enjoy reading. All different types of books. But every once and while I fall into one that captures my heart and takes my breath away. The kind of book I can't stop thinking about days, weeks, months after I've finsihed the last page. The kind of book that I read again and again, despite my serious lack of free time.

These are the books I want to share with you. And who knows, maybe you'll fall in love, too!

Up first, is probably the first series I ever fell in love with.


Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent.

I didn't discover this series until the first several books had already been published. Thank goodness, because it was pure torture waiting for the last few... But well worth it. You don't just fall in love once in this series. It happens again and again. Your heart won't break just once either. Rachel shatters it and puts it back together so many times for so many different characters that I lost count, but by the end I was an emotional mess. I've read the series again and again as each new book was released, and sill go back to some of my favorite parts, now and again.

Next, is a book that touched my soul.


Unlovable by Sherry Gammon

I cried. Ugly tears. I laughed. I feared. I smiles. And, oh yeah, I cried some more. This book has it all. A heartachingly real story with the added elements of danger and intrigue that keep the pages turning. I've read this book at least a half-dozen times. It's my go-to. And I can honestly say that I have not picked it up once and put it down again before the end. I. Just. Can't.

Another series that I'm reading AGAIN, now for about the bazillionth time.


The Study Series by Maria V. Snyder

Poison, magic, politics, devious plots, and Valek. Oh, Valek . . . excuse me why I swwwooooonnnnn. This series is three striaght books of non-stop action, adventure, and inrigue. What I love most about any story are the characters, and I think Yelena may very well be my favorite heroine of all time. For so many reasons. Not the least of which is that she has no idea what she's doing, but she does it anyway. She's fearless in the face of being terrified. She's selfless and brave and brilliant and kind and strong. No one gives her enough credit. Except Valek. He is everything a hero should be. An assasin with a heart of gold. He's a freaking ninja in a skin tight sneak suit. Need I say more? I will. What I love most about him is how he treats Yelena. With utter respect and confidence. He believes in her and her abilities one-hundred-and-ten percent. He never once tries to tell her something is too dangerous or attempts to stop or protect her. He knows she's capable of protecting herself and that when those inevitable times do come where she needs his help, she'll be willing to ask for it. And she is. And he's there, giving her whatever she needs without hesitation. They have probably the most functional relationship I've ever read, and it's between an assasin and a murderer. Add to that the fact that he calls her 'love' and oh, yeah I'm a goner.

And then, there's the spin-off series.


The Glass Series also by Maria V. Snyder (I swear I'd read this woman's grocery list).

I'm gushing. I know I am. But these books absolutely deserve all the praise I can give them. Strength, desire, sneakery, danger, redemption, and, uh, more Valek.

And what's even more exciting . . . she's releasing a brand new Study Series book next month. Can you tell I'm FrEaKiNg OuT???

Last but certainly not least is the stand-alone book that drew me to an author I'd never read before and have since read every single thing she's ever written.


Heart on a Chain, by Cindy C. Bennett.

What is it about books that make me cry? I guess they just make an impression on my heart, like this one did. This book . . . It shows the absolute worst of humanity. And then it shows the absolute best. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that left me exhausted and a complete basket-case, but I loved every minute of it. Sometimes we all just need a reminder that there is light outside of the darkness and that hope isn't a bad thing to have.

Now on to the GIVEAWAY part.

As my Valentines gift to you and my way of saying thanks for sticking with me and sharing in what I love, I'm offering up the winner's choice of any ONE of the above mentioned titles. Ebook format so I can share the love internationally.

All you have to do is like my facebook page and leave me a post about what book(s) you love most. Let's fill the page with book lovins this Valentine's Day!!!

(Contest runs through Feb 15th for all of you who will be too busy celebrating with your own leading man/lady on the 14th).

And as an added bonus, here's a sneak peek at he first chapter of Rock Bottom:

“This isn’t how this was supposed to go.”

The stringent scent of bleach, and gun powder, and death clogs my nose. My stare fixes on the pale hand dangling lifelessly from beneath the sterile white sheet.

“Miss. Stark, it has been your willingness to be forthcoming with us that has saved you from prosecution thus far. I suggest you don’t start holding out on us now.” Detective Tanner leans against the window sill beside a small recording device. Behind him, rain streaks down the glass, warping the view. The clouds are a lonely gray color that causes a sharp pain in my heart. “Rylie,” Tanner sighs, “there are bodies. We need your statement.”

“This isn’t how this was supposed to go.” It’s not what he’s looking for, but it’s the only statement I have for him. The only thing I know for sure is truth, anymore.

This was not how my life was supposed to turn out. I had a plan. I was supposed to be the hero of this story. The princess. His princess.

I’m not any of those things.

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